North Shore Underwater Club

Club Meeting

Kingfish Presentation

Seahawks President Henry Blaker-Morgan

Invited by the North Shore Seahawks to attend their recent meeting and  address their members on the upcoming Sydney Kingfish Cup, discussing some background about the USFA and its commitment to spearfishing along with the benefits of being a member of the Association saw me eagerly looking forward to catching up with a lot of like-minded people.

Matti Hallanoro

The large gathering, at least seventy people in attendance, were welcomed by Seahawks President Henry Blaker-Morgan and new attendees were made to feel welcome. Sport Secretary Matti Hallanoro gave an amazing report on recent club dive events including updated “Trophy Fish” catches. Here I am thinking, “Wow! What a great club to be a part of, what a presentation, and look at these great fish being caught…” then James Williams hops up and talks about his recent Mulloway adventures further captivating the crowd and drawing me in.

Ali Gordon and Chi Lo

The core of the meeting now began as club  Training co-ordinator Ali Gordon introduced Chi Lo  and together they began a thorough presentation on Yellowtail Kingfish. All eyes were front and centre, an outstanding presentation.  Now I am thinking that if you were a first timer to this club you’d become a member for life.

To talk about the Sydney Kingfish Cup in any time frame is difficult, as it is a huge, loveable beast, there is so much to say about it. I think the best and it is the shortest approach, is to say it is the social spearfishing event on the calendar, where else can 250 odd divers get together repeatedly over a couple of weeks and talk diving and fish, go diving and attempt to catch a fish while  having a heap of fun doing all of it.  Tick! Come along and be a part of it

The founding of the USFA by our pioneer fore-fathers is always a good story to retell. It begins post-world war 2 in NSW where Australians taking up the sport in droves after seeing it done in the Pacific Islands are being arrested for participating, and the threat of their new hobby being banned divers rally together and form the Association in 1948. Their basis of inclusion for all stakeholders to the resource – the right to spearfish; to have safe access and to not be restricted on headlands and shallow water reefs; to have a voice at the decision table; to encourage ethical and sustainable spearfishing ; and of course promoting  safe diving practices is still pursued today by the committee, the clubs and their members.  

Those in attendance took on board the messages, I left  on a note that the North Shore Club have Sydney Harbour, Pittwater and the Northern beaches at their doorstep, they are privileged to have it, while the USFA and its clubs have fought for it for over 75 years, they need to continue to uphold the principles of our mantra Safe, Selective, Sustainable or they may well lose that privilege.  Their President Henry, earlier in the night, stated the popular catch cry “…once you put on your  wetsuit you are now wearing a uniform, you represent all spearfishers, do the right thing…”   

With the passion and energy displayed this night it pleases me to see the Seahawks and spearfishing on the Northern beaches is in good hands.

Simon Trippe

President USFA