Alliman Shield Round 7

Kurnell Competition Round 7 Report: Making Waves Despite Rough Seas!

Location: Kurnell

Date: 7th July 2024

Host: Port Hacking Penguins

G’day, diving enthusiasts! The 7th round of the Kurnell Alliman, hosted by the dynamic Port Hacking Penguins, was an event to remember. Despite the challenging weather conditions with rough seas and varying visibility, the spirit of competition and camaraderie shone bright. A hearty cheer for the 31 divers who braved the elements to compete! It was heartening to see a diverse group, including female competitors and fresh junior faces, dive into the challenge.

**Individual Glory:**

  • 1st Place: Warren Carter (PHP) – A stellar performance!
  • 2nd Place: Gary Baxter (PHP) – Close on Warren’s heels.
  • 3rd Place: George Manolias (SSD) – A commendable effort.
Warren Carter

**Club Triumph:**

  • 1st Place: North Shore
  • 2nd Place: Sans Souci
  • 3rd Place: Port Hacking

A round of applause and gratitude to the following stars who made the event seamless and enjoyable:

  • Gary Baxter: For doing the role call and providing the essential weather update.
  • Dave Greig: For organising the hot dogs and assisting with the weigh-in – a true multitasker!
  • Simon Trippe, Pat Mullins, and Daniel Coelho: For their invaluable help with the weigh-in.
  • Ryan O’Gorman: For setting up the ring – the backbone of the event’s setup.

Apologies if we missed anyone, but your efforts are much appreciated!

Despite the weather’s best attempts to dampen our spirits, the day was a resounding success.

Dolphins galore

It was fantastic to see so many sign on and participate, showcasing the vibrant and resilient diving community. A huge thank you to everyone who attended, competed, and contributed to making this competition memorable. Here’s to many more such adventures and may the seas be ever in our favour!

Sea Hawks

Stay tuned for the next round, and until then, dive safe and dive happy!

Report by Pat Ireland Sports Secretary SMZ USFA

George Manolias with a thumping Tarwhine
Derrick Cruz always smiling
Manolias brothers Steve and George

Alliman Shield 2017 – November – Watsons Bay

It dawned a dark, rainy day on the morning of the competition and then The Gap was checked to see the conditions outside the seas looked like a washing machine!

But as the divers gathered the safety boat went out and came back the competition was on! The safety talk was conducted and the roll call and the divers went out for the days diving. The harbour turned out to be surprisingly clear with a lot of fish about. Both Shark Island and Sow & Pigs Reef had excellent conditions. But outside the harbour the conditions were rough and sloppy and challenging to spearfish in.


Image 1 of 16

The competition finished at 1:15pm and all competitors were back in time, some interesting fish came in like Parry Gryllis’s blue bar parrotfish, Phil Sheppard’s spinefoot. Phil also got a huge silver drummer of over nine kilograms. The weigh in went smoothly and some of the tourists that hung about were rewarded with a fish or two, good public relations!
When the score were done it was SSD Derrick Cruz who took out the day with 699pts and Matt Poulton coming fourth with 419pts which has them level pegging at first going into the final round. The last competition is on December the 3 rd at Gunnamatta Bay, Cronulla. A BBQ and drinks will be on after the competition and all are welcome.

Lee Dalli
Metropolitan Spearfishing Zone

Scores are missing October results and will be updated soon.

Alliman Shield 2018

January – Gunnamatta – 
February – Terrigal –
March – Kurnell – 
April – Long Reef –
May – Little Manly –
June – Kurnell –
July – No Competition
August – Bayview –
September – Long Reef –
October – Kurnell –
November – Watsons Bay –
December – Gunnamatta –

Continue reading Alliman Shield 2018

Alliman Shield 2017

January – Gunnamatta – Cancelled – dangerous ocean conditions
February – Terrigal – Results
March – Kurnell – Cancelled – dangerous ocean conditions
April – Little Manly – Results
May – Port Kembla – Results
June – Gunnamatta – Results
July – No Competition
August – Bayview – Results
September – Long Reef – Cancelled – dangerous ocean conditions
October – Kurnell –
November – Watsons BayResults
December – Gunnamatta –

Continue reading Alliman Shield 2017

Alliman Shield 2016 – 11th September – LongReef

Day of the Bumper Bream

It was a good looking day as the boats gathered in the bay below the historic fishermen’s hut at Long Reef. The fifteen odd boats and nearly fifty divers signed on listened to the safety talk, and waited impatiently for the start. North Shore meant business with a roll up of twenty six divers! After the roll call the divers went to their respective boats and motored out a few hundred yards off shore where the flag start was done from big Maccas boat and boats raced north and south to their dive spots.

The conditions were good, although there was a building southerly swell and the water was cold and even colder on the bottom, the divers dived hard working towards the weigh in at 1:15pm. Continue reading Alliman Shield 2016 – 11th September – LongReef

Alliman Shield – 7th August – Bayview

BAYVIEW = Gone to the Dogs!

Well it wasn’t a good forecast for the Sunday of the Alliman with gale force winds and a big swell running all week not helping. But the brave sport secretaries of each club voted for the comp to be on and on the dawning of the day a dozen boats and nearly forty divers turned up to compete on what turned out to be a pretty good day.

After the safety talk the boats motored slowly down the four knot channel to Pittwater and the open ocean. Weigh in was at 1:30pm sharp and luckily all divers were back in the ring well before the cut off time. The weighing and scoring commenced and as we were next to the huge dog park we had a lot of interested persons and their canine friends to see the fish that came in. One cute pooch modelled the Aussie spearfishing team cap (available from me for $25, please support your team!) and another cute little Maltese helped Gordy with the scores! (See pics).

The ‘Adreno’ Most Meritorious Fish winners for this competition are Ben’s (STG) big bream for the senior category and young Eddie Sherb (SSD) with a 48pt Reef Leatherjacket, prizes will be presented before the competition at Long Reef. Remember anyone can win win one of these prizes but only if you compete!

Continue reading Alliman Shield – 7th August – Bayview