1996 May
The Minister for Fisheries, Bob Martin, today announced a review of spearfishing regulations in NSW. The review is consistent with my pre – election commitment to “Review the management arrangements of all major fisheries on a regular basis”. A review of spearfishing regulations has not been held in the last five years and a number of research, compliance, education and management issues regarding spearfishing in NSW need to be addressed.
The review will address the relevance of the existing spearfishing laws in NSW. The review will recommend, where necessary changes to laws to ensure the long term sustainability of fish stocks in NSW. The review should also ensure that a maximum number of fishers can enjoy the sport and contribute to an equitable distribution of the catch. The review should ensure that spearfishing laws are, as far as possible, consistent across the state, easily enforceable and understood.
A committee of spearers, industry representatives and NSW Fisheries staff has been formed to oversee the review. The review committee has the appropriate knowledge to comment on the current regulations and to represent a broad cross section of the diving community.
A discussion paper and questionnaire on the major recommendations will be prepared and distributed for comment.
There is a need to implement fishery regulations that are effective, based on sound research data, and have broad community acceptance. I urge all spearfishers and members of the community to participate in the review.
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