Alliman Shield 2015

January – Gunnamatta – Results
February – Bayview – Cancelled
March – KurnellApril – Little ManlyResults
May – Watsons Bay – Cancelled
June – Gunnamatta – Results
July – No Competition
August – Bayview – Results
September – Long Reef – Results
October – Kurnell – Results
November – Port Kembla – Cancelled
December – Gunnamatta – Results including end of year results

2015 End of Year Alliman Shield Results

Congratulations to:

Individual placings:

1st – Derrick Cruz
2nd – Gunther Pfrengle
3rd – Evan Leeson

B Grade – Ben Favorito
C Grade – Cohan Jones
D Grade – Jarod McKenzie

Grand Master – Patrick Mullins
Master – Gunther Pfrengle
Veteran – Gary Baxter
Senior – Derrick Cruz
Intermediate – Aaron Puckeridge
Junior – Cameron Gall
Sub Junior – Jarod McKenzie

Congratulations to:
Sans Souci Dolphins for winning the Alliman Shield & most species
St George Sea Dragons – winning Four Mans Teams

Most Meritorious – Alex Lewis with the great Dusky Flathead – 166 points
Intermediate – Peter Kemp – Coral Trout – 152 points. 2nd time one has been speared in Sydney. 1st being Derrick Cruz earlier in the year also in the Alliman comp.
Sub Junior – Brad McKenzie – Silver Travally – 91 points

So many more categories to list, go take a look at the results.

Grade Changes for 2016


++ up two grades
+ up one grade
– down one grade

A Grade

Ben Favorito +

B Grade

Tom Rasdall –
Malcolm Murphy –
Cohan Jones +
Paul Marsh +
Parry Gryllis +
Jarrod McKenzie ++
Peter Kemp ++

C Grade

Thomas Mercer +
Justin Delaney +
Brad McKenzie +
Jamie Hutton +
Tony Couchman +
Cenk Alper +
Dom Falconer +
Adam O’Neill +
Martyn Kieselbach +


Alliman Shield – 2014 December – Gunnamatta & End of Year

It dawned a beautiful day last Sunday for the last competition for the year The Alliman Shield – 2014 December. 59 divers gathered at the pavillion at Gunnamatta bay looking forward to the days competition. Little did they know as the were putting up the channel that the diving conditions would be very ordinary indeed with very dirty water, a sloppy Nor-east swell, cold water and a scarcity of fish (You were the smart one Trippey).

A few fish came in the pick being:

Alliman dec 02
Two nice Kingfish by the SSD boys Zack Dredge & Adam O’Neill with 10kg & 14kg respectively


The St George boys redeemed themselves with ‘No Tears’ getting a nice trevally of 1.37kg
The St George boys redeemed themselves with ‘No Tears’ getting a nice trevally of 1.37kg
Shaun Pyne with the only flathead weighed in
Shaun Pyne with the only flathead weighed in

Continue reading Alliman Shield – 2014 December – Gunnamatta & End of Year

Alliman Shield – September 2014 – Long Reef

A good day weather wise for the Alliman Shield – September 2014 on Sunday, sunny, light winds and flat clear seas, all of you that didn’t make it you missed a great day! There was a bit of fog about though!

Alliman Shield – September 2014 - Long Reef

The divers gathered from 7am and by 7:30am there were 71 divers signed on and ready to go. All were excited because of the three month layoff due to cancelled comps and July being a no comp month (this needs to be reviewed)

Alliman Shield – September 2014 - Long Reef

It was impressive to see the bay full of boats and the boat start was as usual spectacular including a jet ski crew that were dumped in the water!

Alliman Shield – September 2014 - Long Reef

1:15pm saw all divers back with no late comers and no disqualifications and the weigh started and some top fish was seen to come in like:

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It was a superb day for diving as all the divers on the day would agree, there are three more competitions left for the year the next one on the 12th October at Bayview. All USFA members are welcome to compete and if you need the Alliman fact sheet emailed to you please let me know.
Scores are attached
