Alliman Shield Round 7

Kurnell Competition Round 7 Report: Making Waves Despite Rough Seas!

Location: Kurnell

Date: 7th July 2024

Host: Port Hacking Penguins

G’day, diving enthusiasts! The 7th round of the Kurnell Alliman, hosted by the dynamic Port Hacking Penguins, was an event to remember. Despite the challenging weather conditions with rough seas and varying visibility, the spirit of competition and camaraderie shone bright. A hearty cheer for the 31 divers who braved the elements to compete! It was heartening to see a diverse group, including female competitors and fresh junior faces, dive into the challenge.

**Individual Glory:**

  • 1st Place: Warren Carter (PHP) – A stellar performance!
  • 2nd Place: Gary Baxter (PHP) – Close on Warren’s heels.
  • 3rd Place: George Manolias (SSD) – A commendable effort.
Warren Carter

**Club Triumph:**

  • 1st Place: North Shore
  • 2nd Place: Sans Souci
  • 3rd Place: Port Hacking

A round of applause and gratitude to the following stars who made the event seamless and enjoyable:

  • Gary Baxter: For doing the role call and providing the essential weather update.
  • Dave Greig: For organising the hot dogs and assisting with the weigh-in – a true multitasker!
  • Simon Trippe, Pat Mullins, and Daniel Coelho: For their invaluable help with the weigh-in.
  • Ryan O’Gorman: For setting up the ring – the backbone of the event’s setup.

Apologies if we missed anyone, but your efforts are much appreciated!

Despite the weather’s best attempts to dampen our spirits, the day was a resounding success.

Dolphins galore

It was fantastic to see so many sign on and participate, showcasing the vibrant and resilient diving community. A huge thank you to everyone who attended, competed, and contributed to making this competition memorable. Here’s to many more such adventures and may the seas be ever in our favour!

Sea Hawks

Stay tuned for the next round, and until then, dive safe and dive happy!

Report by Pat Ireland Sports Secretary SMZ USFA

George Manolias with a thumping Tarwhine
Derrick Cruz always smiling
Manolias brothers Steve and George

Alliman Shield 2018

January – Gunnamatta – 
February – Terrigal –
March – Kurnell – 
April – Long Reef –
May – Little Manly –
June – Kurnell –
July – No Competition
August – Bayview –
September – Long Reef –
October – Kurnell –
November – Watsons Bay –
December – Gunnamatta –

Continue reading Alliman Shield 2018

Alliman Shield 2017

January – Gunnamatta – Cancelled – dangerous ocean conditions
February – Terrigal – Results
March – Kurnell – Cancelled – dangerous ocean conditions
April – Little Manly – Results
May – Port Kembla – Results
June – Gunnamatta – Results
July – No Competition
August – Bayview – Results
September – Long Reef – Cancelled – dangerous ocean conditions
October – Kurnell –
November – Watsons BayResults
December – Gunnamatta –

Continue reading Alliman Shield 2017

Local Competition Rules for USFA – Sydney Metro Zone

Adopted 12/1/09………
Revised ……………

  1. These rules are to read in conjunction with the current USFA competition rules.


  1. Dates of Alliman Shields Competition

a) The first Sunday of every month of the year, except January, Mother’s Day, long weekends and major championships. Dates for the upcoming year are to be notified three (3) months prior to commencement.  The year commences 1st January and completes 31st  Where agreed, Allimans may be held in conjunction with major metro controlled events.

b) A notified date shall not include any date which has been allocated to another championship event except as in (a) above. It shall also not include any date which has been previously notified by any club as a veto date.  Veto date must be notified to committee at least four (4) months prior to the upcoming competition year.

c) Alliman Shields must be held on the notified scheduled dates.

d) Allimans will start and finish at the following times

  • January, February, March, April, May, June – 8am till 1.15pm
  • July, August, September, October, November, December –  8am till 1.15pm

These times may vary only where an Alliman is conducted in conjunction with a major Metro controlled competition normally 8am till 2pm or as otherwise notified at the venue.

Continue reading Local Competition Rules for USFA – Sydney Metro Zone

Alliman Shield 2016

January – Gunnamatta – Cancelled – dangerous ocean conditions
February – Bayview – Cancelled – dangerous ocean conditions
March – Kurnell – Results
April – Little Manly – Results
May – Watsons Bay Results
June – Gunnamatta – Cancelled – dangerous ocean conditions
July – No Competition
August – BayviewResults
September – Long ReefResults
October – Kurnell – Results
November – Port Kembla – Results
December – Gunnamatta – Results

2016 End of Year Alliman Shield Results

Congratulations to:

Individual placings:

1st – Matthew Poulton
2nd – Derrick Cruz
3rd – Evan Leeson

B Grade – Cohan Jones
C Grade – Phil Sheppard
D Grade – Patrick Koch

Grand Master – Patrick Mullins
Master – Gordon Black
Veteran – Rob Tierney
Senior – Matthew Poulton
Intermediate – Aaron Puckeridge
Junior – Joe Halkyard
Sub Junior – Jarod McKenzie

Congratulations to: Sans Souci Dolphins winning the year on equal points with North Shore Seahawks.

Grade Changes for 2017


++ up two grades
+ up one grade
– down one grade

A Grade


B Grade


C Grade

Alliman Shield 2015

January – Gunnamatta – Results
February – Bayview – Cancelled
March – KurnellApril – Little ManlyResults
May – Watsons Bay – Cancelled
June – Gunnamatta – Results
July – No Competition
August – Bayview – Results
September – Long Reef – Results
October – Kurnell – Results
November – Port Kembla – Cancelled
December – Gunnamatta – Results including end of year results

2015 End of Year Alliman Shield Results

Congratulations to:

Individual placings:

1st – Derrick Cruz
2nd – Gunther Pfrengle
3rd – Evan Leeson

B Grade – Ben Favorito
C Grade – Cohan Jones
D Grade – Jarod McKenzie

Grand Master – Patrick Mullins
Master – Gunther Pfrengle
Veteran – Gary Baxter
Senior – Derrick Cruz
Intermediate – Aaron Puckeridge
Junior – Cameron Gall
Sub Junior – Jarod McKenzie

Congratulations to:
Sans Souci Dolphins for winning the Alliman Shield & most species
St George Sea Dragons – winning Four Mans Teams

Most Meritorious – Alex Lewis with the great Dusky Flathead – 166 points
Intermediate – Peter Kemp – Coral Trout – 152 points. 2nd time one has been speared in Sydney. 1st being Derrick Cruz earlier in the year also in the Alliman comp.
Sub Junior – Brad McKenzie – Silver Travally – 91 points

So many more categories to list, go take a look at the results.

Grade Changes for 2016


++ up two grades
+ up one grade
– down one grade

A Grade

Ben Favorito +

B Grade

Tom Rasdall –
Malcolm Murphy –
Cohan Jones +
Paul Marsh +
Parry Gryllis +
Jarrod McKenzie ++
Peter Kemp ++

C Grade

Thomas Mercer +
Justin Delaney +
Brad McKenzie +
Jamie Hutton +
Tony Couchman +
Cenk Alper +
Dom Falconer +
Adam O’Neill +
Martyn Kieselbach +


Alec ‘Curly’ Alliman

The Sydney Metropolitan Zone’s Alliman Shield competition is named in honour of Alec ‘Curly’ Alliman.

Curly Alliman, the 1955 NSW Spearfishing Champion, was attending the USFA outing at Malabar on March 11th 1956 and while wearing Scuba was walking up the hill behind the Anzac Rifle Range when he collapsed and died of a heart attack. He was only 26 and had recently passed a medical prior to enlisting in the army.

The following tribute was published in the Australian Skindiving and Spearfishing Digest:-


Ben Cropp (Left) with Alec 'Curly' Alliman (Right)
Ben Cropp (Left) with Alec ‘Curly’ Alliman (Right)

Curly Alliman (Right) with Ben Cropp (Left)

Whatever our colour, creed or sport, somewhere, sometime we must all leave this world. That is inevitable.

When a man reaches his six score and 10 he is prepared to go, but when it strikes a healthy, happy-go-lucky club mate of 26, there seems a tragic waste. “Curly” Alliman was a club mate in every respect of the word, a good spearman and aqualunger, ready to lend a hand when work was to be done.

Always smiling, Curly’s passing is a big loss to his friends and club.

The first heat for the “Curly” Alliman Memorial Trophy was held on Sunday 8th July 1956 at Bilgola.

It attracted 64 entries with all clubs represented, but with only three feet visibility only four fish were weighed-in, two small groper, one drummer and a Sergeant Baker.

The newly formed St. George club was declared the winner with D. Rowlands 1st with 20 points and N. Shaw 2nd with 6 points.

A meeting following the weigh in confirmed the following rules to apply for future Alliman Trophy competitions:-

  1. Staring time shall be from 10AM – finishing time 2PM.
  2. That the next seven monthly meetings will be conducted by the Branch Club’s Captains, who with their committees, will set down the programme for the day and attend to all amenities etc.
    The August Day Outing will be in the hands of “Parramatta”.
  3. Boundaries. No boundaries for monthly competitions, except State Championships.

Alliman Shield

Curly Alliman Memorial Trophy - Presented Annually to the top Sydney Club
The Alliman Shield – Curly Alliman Memorial Trophy – Presented Annually to the top Sydney Club

The Sydney Metro Alliman Shield competition is a fin fish spearfishing competition open to both males and females and is held on a monthly basis with scores accumulating across the calendar year. Four Sydney clubs compete in the Alliman Shield with some great competitive rivalry between both mates and clubs.

The Alliman Shield Competition days are a great opportunity for divers to learn how to hunt a large diversity of fish species and forces divers to think about the fish they want to take, where to find them, techniques and the best equipment to use. It also provides a set date, usually the first Sunday of each month, when divers can plan to hit the water together and try their best in the local arena or just have a bit of fun with mates.

The Curley Alliman Trophy - Presented annually to the top Sydney diver in the Alliman Shield
The Curley Alliman Trophy – Presented annually to the top Sydney diver in the Alliman Shield

Only one of each of a set list of species of fish may be scored by a diver, thus maintaining the sustainability of our sport and of course there are many rules in place to enforce and emphasise the safety aspect of our sport.

There are many different categories within the Alliman Shield competition based on age and diver ability and divers range from National Champions through to absolute beginners. There is no better way to learn about spearfishing than to dive the comps and learn from the experience of the great divers around you.

The weigh-ins at the end of the day are always good social events with divers swapping stories of the adventures of the day, proudly showing off their fish or just enjoying a drink or two with mates and fellow divers. And of course, you end of with some fresh fish for dinner at the end of the day!

You can find out more about the history of Alec ‘Curly’ Alliman here.

Local Competition Rules for USFA – Sydney Metro Zone