Kingfish Cup

Save the dates

Spearos save the dates for these Kingfish Cup events

Thursday October 31st – Information night at Adreno Sydney

Saturday and Sunday November 9/10th – Kingfish Cup

Thursday November 14th – Presentation at Adreno Sydney

From Bird Island to Bass Point be a part of the biggest Spearfishing gathering around Australia.

More information to follow soon.

USFA DiveR prize winner – Adreno Sydney Opening

Good afternoon spearos

So this is the lucky spearo, Rob Crawford, who won the awesome Ray Powell DiveR fins designed by one of Ray’s many hot artists, Naomi Gittoes, that were raffled at the Sydney Adreno opening day by the USFA.

Rob Crawford. Winner of the USFA prize at the Adreno Sydney opening.
Rob Crawford. Winner of the USFA prize at the Adreno Sydney opening.

Rob enjoys his spearing and loves a day out on the water in his boat.
Thanks goes to DiveR Australia for his continued loyalty to the USFA, Adreno for their wonderful support, and to all spearos on the day who purchased a ticket. Please look at for dive and safety tips and to see the work USFA is doing for spearos along the coast.

USFA welcomes Adreno sponsorship

The USFA has been working solidly to engage Australian Spearfishing Retailers and Suppliers to develop a more structured level of support for our USFA Social Projects and Major Competitions.

Traditionally, individual competition and event conveners needed to approach these suppliers independently for individual donated goods to supply the event prize pool. By taking this new united approach, the USFA will now negotiate a collective sponsorship and distribute the prizes in a more professional, efficient and organised fashion with greater benefit to all.

As in the past, the USFA does not endorse any one particular vendor. Many suppliers were contacted and several negotiations are still underway. All offers of support are welcomed and will be considered on their merit.

We are pleased to announce that Adreno Spearfishing Supplies is the first Retailer to offer a generous sponsorship package to go towards both the USFA Social calender and Major 2015 Competitions. The USFA deeply thanks Adreno for their contribution and looks forward to a mutually beneficial future.

Further negotiations are underway with other merchants and the USFA looks forward to passing these vast benefits onto members in return for your continued membership and participation.

You can find Adreno Spearfishing Supplies here:

Adreno Spearfishing Supplies

Dive Safe