The First Spearfishing Prohibition in NSW

Legislation to prohibit spearfishing in Tuggerah Lakes and its Entrance waters was introduced on 1st May 1947.

(Published in Government Gazette No. 58)

Of 16th May 19
(4911) Sydney, 1st May 1947.


Closure Notification

In pursuance of the provisions of section 18 of the Fisheries and Oyster Farms Act,           1935 – 1942, I hereby prohibit the spearing of fish in the waters of Tuggerah Lakes described in the schedule hereto for a period of twelve months from the date of publication of this notification.

J.M. BADDELEY, Chief Secretary.


County of Northumberland. The whole of the waters of Tuggerah or Budgewoi Lake, Munmorah Lake, their inlets, bays, creeks and tributaries upwards from Tuggerah entrance and the adjacent ocean waters within the following boundaries. Commencing at a point on High – water mark on the south – western shore of the channel entrance, being a point south of the southern extremity of Karagai, the headland on the northern side of the aforesaid channel entrance; and bounded thence by a line bearing south 45 degrees, east 22 chains into the waters of the South Pacific Ocean; thence by a line northerly to a point due east of Karagai aforesaid; thence by a line 22 chains westerly to that point; and thence by a line southerly to the point of commencement. (47 – 99).